It turns out that Senator Kennedy sometimes received letters from constituents about ufos and he responded with polite form letters. Also he may not have been a card-carrying member of the Almagamated Flying Saucers Association after all.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Bobby Kennedy and UFOs
It turns out that Senator Kennedy sometimes received letters from constituents about ufos and he responded with polite form letters. Also he may not have been a card-carrying member of the Almagamated Flying Saucers Association after all.
It turns out that Senator Kennedy sometimes received letters from constituents about ufos and he responded with polite form letters. Also he may not have been a card-carrying member of the Almagamated Flying Saucers Association after all.
Friday, June 25, 2010
The Economist: "America and its allies are losing in Afghanistan."
David Horowitz: Obama and the War Against the Jews
During the year and a half Obama has been in office so far, he has indeed brought change to America and to the world. He has transformed a nation that had been the world’s bulwark of democracy and freedom into an enabler of the very forces that are intent on destroying them. He has helped to isolate America’s only ally in the Middle East, its sole democracy and most vulnerable people. And he has brought the impending war of annihilation against the “crusaders” and the Jews, which the jihadists have promised, measurably closer to its nightmare fruition.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Porky Pig says the Pledge of Allegiance. No "under God", which was added in 1954. Via Godless Liberal Homo
"Get off me, you big lummox!"
Al Gore gropes 54-year old female masseuse.
Update: More from The National Enquirer. Al Gore was charged $540 for the massage. For that price it damn well better include a happy ending. Al Gore is, of course, guilty but one can find a much younger and more attractive "masseuse" who will do anything you want for less than $540 or so I've heard.
Al Gore gropes 54-year old female masseuse.
Update: More from The National Enquirer. Al Gore was charged $540 for the massage. For that price it damn well better include a happy ending. Al Gore is, of course, guilty but one can find a much younger and more attractive "masseuse" who will do anything you want for less than $540 or so I've heard.

Monday, June 21, 2010
Sex Parties and Assassination Plots: Ted Kennedy's FBI Files
“It was reported that Mrs. Jacqueline Hammond, age 40, has considerable information concerning sex parties which took place at the Hotel Carlyle in NYC, and in which a number of persons participated at different times. Among those mentioned were the following individuals: Robert F. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Teddy Kennedy, Sammy Davis, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe.”
Friday, June 18, 2010

What I'm Reading: Jesus Rediscovered
I am personally convinced that our Western European civilization is approaching its end. This is an absolutely basic part of my thinking, which governs all my feelings about the world that I live in. There is to me every symptom of our civilization petering out. This was bound to happen sometime; it just seems to me to be happening now, when I am alive. I think there are advantages in living at a time when a civilization is coming to an end; in such a situation, one can much better understand the nature of power, just as one can better understand the nature of the body when one is sick. In a dying civilization one is at least not taken in by power and authority, as one easily might be when conditions are flourishing.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
What I'm Reading
The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism At The Heart of American Power
The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism At The Heart of American Power
Fundamentalism wants to ease the pain, to banish fear, forget loneliness; to erase desire. Populist fundamentalism does so by offering certainty, a fixed story about the relationship between the world and the world to come; elite fundamentalism, certain in its entitlement, responds in this world with a politics of noblesse oblige, the missionary impulse married to military and economic power. The result is empire.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wingnut Watch
Obama admits he is a Muslim. It's all over Winguttia. Supposedly he admitted this to the Egyptian Foreign Minister who supposedly told the story on Nile TV. WorldNetDaily admits that this has not been independently verified. Apparently someone's wife saw it on TV.
Atlas Shrugs: "I am a Muslim," Obama Tells Egyptian Foreign Minister Gheit ... Islamic Coup On the White House
WorldNetDaily: Egypt official: U.S. president claims to be Muslim
I will believe that Gheit said this on TV when I see the video. There may be more to this story than simple wingnuttery. One of the earliest accounts was in a story in Israel Today that states that "sources close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu describe Obama as a 'strategic catastrophe' for Israel." The story is subheaded "Israeli officials say it's not Iran that is Israel's greatest threat".
Obama admits he is a Muslim. It's all over Winguttia. Supposedly he admitted this to the Egyptian Foreign Minister who supposedly told the story on Nile TV. WorldNetDaily admits that this has not been independently verified. Apparently someone's wife saw it on TV.
Atlas Shrugs: "I am a Muslim," Obama Tells Egyptian Foreign Minister Gheit ... Islamic Coup On the White House
WorldNetDaily: Egypt official: U.S. president claims to be Muslim
I will believe that Gheit said this on TV when I see the video. There may be more to this story than simple wingnuttery. One of the earliest accounts was in a story in Israel Today that states that "sources close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu describe Obama as a 'strategic catastrophe' for Israel." The story is subheaded "Israeli officials say it's not Iran that is Israel's greatest threat".
Friday, June 11, 2010

The former Chief Election Clerk of the State of Hawaii has told the media that Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii! OK, someone who says he held that position called into a racist radio show called Political Cesspool and claimed that. There is a Youtube video showing the logos of the racist Coalition of Conservative Citizens and Stormfront. See it here.
Update: More on the story from Obama Conspiracy Theories and WorldNetDaily
Update: Tim Adams is apparently something of a whack job.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Sunday, June 06, 2010
What I'm Reading: Jesus Rediscovered by Malcolm Muggeridge
This sense of being a stranger, which first came to me at the beginning of my life, I have never quite lost, however engulfed I might be, at particular times and in particular circumstances, in earthly pursuits--whether through cupidity, vanity, or sensuality, three chains that bind us, three goads that drive us, three iron gates that isolate us, in the tiny dark dungeon of our ego.
Christianity, it seems to me, is now in total disarray, and visibly decomposing, to the point that, short of a miracle, it can never be put together again with any semblance of order or credibility. In their present state of decomposition the various Christian denominations are not even an impediment to Christian belief, but just a joke.
Thursday, June 03, 2010
What I'm Reading
The Rebellion of Ronald Reagan: A History of the End of the Cold War
Tear Down This Myth: How the Reagan Legacy Has Distorted Our Politics and Haunts Our Future
Reading these books and others on the Reagan years, I have come to believe that he was a better President than I gave him credit for at the time, but nowhere near the demi-god of today's rightwing mythology, which is actually ironic as both books contain good accounts of strong criticism of Reagan by the conservatives of his time.
Shrub: The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush
The Rebellion of Ronald Reagan: A History of the End of the Cold War
Tear Down This Myth: How the Reagan Legacy Has Distorted Our Politics and Haunts Our Future
Reading these books and others on the Reagan years, I have come to believe that he was a better President than I gave him credit for at the time, but nowhere near the demi-god of today's rightwing mythology, which is actually ironic as both books contain good accounts of strong criticism of Reagan by the conservatives of his time.
Shrub: The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush
George W. Bush is promising to do for the rest of the country what he has done for Texas. There it is.If only we had listened to Molly Ivins.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Mossad Chief: Obama's Weakness Threatens Israel
He warned the lawmakers that the current US administration is in the process of making of Israel "a liability instead of an asset." The US president, said the Mossad chief, seriously considered forcing Israel to accept a dictated peace formula. He only backed off when he saw that this tactic would not produce a peace accord. But that was "only a tactical retreat," said Dagan.
"Let's see what steps the Americans take in the future, especially after the midterm congressional elections in November," he said, because, while an imposed peace is only a last resort and not (the Obama administration's) preferred option, it is still on the table and a whip he is holding over the heads of both parties.
The Mossad chief concluded by saying: "Such events (a decision to resort to an imposed peace) could career out of control and lead (US-Israel relations) into extreme situations."