Dr. Ben R. Rich confirmed:
1. There are 2 types of UFOs -- the ones we build and ones 'they' build. We learned from both crash retrievals and actual "hand-me-downs." The Government knew and until 1969 took an active hand in the administration of that information. After a 1969 Nixon "purge", administration was handled by an international board of directors in the private sector…
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
CEO of Lockheed knew of extraterrestrial UFO visitors
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Eartha Kitt, CIA Target
Eartha was horrified by the allegations which included charges from the CIA that she was a "sadistic nymphomania."Well, she was Catwoman, after all.

The research arm of the US Department of Justice is working on two portable non-lethal weapons that inflict pain from a distance using beams of laser light or microwaves, with the intention of putting them into the hands of police to subdue suspects.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Mega-orgy in Tel Aviv cancelled due to public pressure
The event in question, which was scheduled to take place on "International Orgasm Day," aimed to bring together some 250 participants seeking to promote world peace through multiple orgasms reached by masturbation or sex.Damn, I missed International Orgasm Day which apparently fell on December 21 this year. How is the date calculated anyway? If there are any attractive women out there who would like to celebrate a bit late, please contact me. Willing to become a Raelian.
The orgy was organized by the Raelian movement, a UFO religion whose followers believe humankind was created by aliens.The event in question, which was scheduled to take place on "International Orgasm Day," aimed to bring together some 250 participants seeking to promote world peace through multiple orgasms reached by masturbation or sex.
The orgy was organized by the Raelian movement, a UFO religion whose followers believe humankind was created by aliens.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Zapruder film digitally remastered
Because, you know, you can never watch the Zapruder film too many times.
Because, you know, you can never watch the Zapruder film too many times.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
The Scotsman: Half man, half chimp - should we beware the apeman's coming?
A LEADING scientist has warned a new species of "humanzee," created from breeding apes with humans, could become a reality unless the government acts to stop scientists experimenting.Regular readers will know that this blog is in favor of human-animal hybrids so I disagree with Dr Calum MacKellar even if he is a LEADING scientist. Because we can is reason enough, I say.
Michael Connell, who set up the alternate email communication system for the White House, and is believed to be the key person in terms of possible computer fraud in the 2004 election is dead. In a plane crash. He had said that he had been threatened and now he is dead.
Larisa Alexandrovna is not jumping to the conclusion of murder but she does say this: Mike was getting ready to talk. He was frightened.
More suspicious stuff here:
Larisa Alexandrovna is not jumping to the conclusion of murder but she does say this: Mike was getting ready to talk. He was frightened.
More suspicious stuff here:
A tipster close to the McCain campaign disclosed to VR in July that Mr. Connell's life was in jeopardy and that Karl Rove had threatened him and his wife, Heather. VR's attorney, Cliff Arnebeck, notified the United States Attorney General , Ohio law enforcement and the federal court about these threats and insisted that Mr. Connell be placed in protective custody. VR also told a close associate of Mr. Connell's not to fly his plane because of another tip that the plane could be sabotaged. Mr. Connell, a very experienced pilot, has had to abandon at least two flights in the past two months because of suspicious problems with his plane.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wingnut Watch
WorldNetDaily: Liberals are Today's Baal worshipers
WorldNetDaily: Liberals are Today's Baal worshipers
The principal pillars of Baalism were child sacrifice, sexual immorality (both heterosexual and homosexual) and pantheism (reverence of creation over the Creator). The principal pillars of Baalism were child sacrifice, sexual immorality (both heterosexual and homosexual) and pantheism (reverence of creation over the Creator).
Modern liberalism deviates little from its ancient predecessor. While its macabre rituals have been sanitized with flowery and euphemistic terms of art, its core tenets and practices remain eerily similar. The worship of "fertility" has been replaced with worship of "reproductive freedom" or "choice." Child sacrifice via burnt offering has been updated, ever so slightly, to become child sacrifice by way of abortion. The ritualistic promotion, practice and celebration of both heterosexual and homosexual immorality and promiscuity have been carefully whitewashed – yet wholeheartedly embraced – by the cults of radical feminism, militant "gay rights" and "comprehensive sex education." And, the pantheistic worship of "mother earth" has been substituted – in name only – for radical environmentalism.Hail Baal!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008

Did Andy Warhol know Lee Harvey Oswald?
Though it has never been documented, Warhol once claimed he knew Lee Harvey Oswald before he assassinated John F. Kennedy.
Sunday, December 14, 2008

This post in The Evening Redness in the West reproduces the covers of a number of E. Howard Hunt's spy novels, as well as information on David Atlee Phillips and his brother James, who was also a spy novelist. I'm mentioned as well.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Interview with Lamar Waldon, coauthor of a new book on the Kennedy assassination, Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination
Saturday, December 06, 2008
In tapes, LBJ accuses Nixon of treason
As Johnson tried to arrange peace talks between North and South Vietnam on the eve of the election, he and his closest advisers received information indicating that Nixon allies had asked that South Vietnam avoid peace talks until after the election, the tapes show.