Milteer's Response
Valdesta, Ga.
Feb. 9, 1969
Mr. Ned Touchstone
1827 Texas Avenue
Shreveport, La.
Dear Mr. Touchstone:
Quite some time since I have seen you or been out your way. However, I "visit" with you every once in a while through your paper, The Councilor.
From your paper, The Councilor, I see in the January 17th, 1969 Volume 6, No. 7, an article out of Baton Rouge that Big Jim Garrison is about to open his now famous or ill-famous case against Clay Shaw. Such a case has has been started and that is why I am writing to you at this time.
I have enclosed some photo stat copy sent to me by Dr. Edward R. Fields, editor of The Thunderbolt, Savannah, Ga. His letter is self explanatory as you can easily see.
Mr. Touchstone, I am the man that visited in your printing place and told you about forming an organization to be known as, "The States Eagles, and asked your cooperation in helping to put this new RIGHT WING organization before the people. I also talked with Mr. Smith, your associate, about this same matter. We never did arrive at any conclusion. I was a little disappointed to say the least.
Now as you can readily see, it appears that I am "Top Gun" suspect from a leak that has come about and Dr. Fields has so informed me. I ask you to faithfully and diligently and most carefully look into this matter fully and consider all angles before naming a RIGHT WING PATRIOT to such a diabolical plot as this. I am a RIGHT WING man, have been a RIGHT WING man for years and intend to remain a RIGHT WING man the rest of my live long days.
As a man on the RIGHT I fail to see how you can possibly name a man that sees matters as you do, works as you do and does about as you do, to such a fiendish, low, contemptible scheme and plot as is now perpetrated upon the American Public. Especially coming from a so called PIMP as outlined by Dr. Fields.
As Americans we stand together or we fall seperately. I shall appreciate your full cooperation in this matter.
Most sincerely,
J.A. Milteer,
P.O. Box 873,
Valesta, Ga.
Ned Touchstones reply:
February 17, 1969
Dr. Edwards R. Fields
National States Rights Party
P. O. Box 6263
Savannah, Georgia 31405
Dr. Fields and Mr. Milteer:
I am writing you jointly as a result of exchange of correspondence between the two of you and of Mr. Milteer's letter to me of February 9, 1969.
The name of the top gun suspect as given to me is not Milteer. This name begins with an "S". [Researcher David Boylan has posted: "If I remember correctly, the "S" shooter hinted at by The Councilor was Emilio Santana."
As Councilor editor I stand on accuracy of stories which have appeared in The Councilor itself. I have made it clear time and again that I do not endorse all of the statements made by Mr. Garrison. In fact, I would think that after Mr. Garrison got deeper into the case that he probably would not endorse some of the remarks that he made during the early period of his investigation. If an innocent man is named in New Orleans as a co-conspirator, then I will be just as dedicated in helping clear his name as I have been in helping to bring the attention of the world to David Ferrie.
Sincerely yours,
Ned Touchstone
P.S. on both letters
I tried to telephone both of you today, but was told that Dr. Fields was out of the office and could get no number for Mr. Milteer.
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