Wingnut Watch
President Barack Obama has been found guilty of treason by a wingnut Grand Jury assembled by super-nutjob Pastor Manning. Pastor Manning has the goods on Obama.
President Barack Obama has been found guilty of treason by a wingnut Grand Jury assembled by super-nutjob Pastor Manning. Pastor Manning has the goods on Obama.
Manning described a letter that he got from a former KGB agent that was also a double agent with the CIA. The informant Mike, stated that Obama worked with the CIA for 4 years (1981-1985) in Pakistan assisting the Mujahadeen fighters during the Soviet-Afghan war.
Manning then stated that factions of the CIA and the KGB are working together to install a socialist government and that Bill Clinton, Leon Panetta, Rahm Emanuel and Obama are all in on it. This means that there has been a conspiracy for at least the past 20 years to create a super spy agency. This spy agency would blackmail and assassinate the opposition, the Republicans were targets.
Nice, when is all this going to happen? Probably under the next GOP administration, I bet.
I just have a quick question for you but couldn't find an email so had to resort to this. I am a progressive blogger. Please email me back at barbaraobrien@maacenter.org when you get a chance. Thanks.
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