Many have identified the "most precious" secret of OTO as being the Star Sapphire - a sex magik ritual, It is represented by the two-triangle earth hexagram, and looks very much the same as a Star of David.
One page of Sirhan Sirhan's notebook, written during the early months of 1968, contains three stars and three triangles, with the first two triangles pointing down; the third pointing up.
Underneath the stars, we find the words, "triune" and "saffire". Here then, is the key - "saffire" being the phonetic spelling of "sapphire". What Sirhan had drawn were not Stars of David as a manifestation of his enmity to Israel. They were Star Sapphires. Not even the triangles were mere doodles, but contain various meanings within gnostic teaching depending on which way they point. "Triune" according to the same teachings is a description of man as being made of body, soul and spirit.
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