Oh, ha, you say. The alien. But know this, naysayer: The Weekly World News alien has accurately predicted the outcome of every presidential election since Ronald Reagan won in 1980.
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than the history of crime." --Voltaire
Oh, ha, you say. The alien. But know this, naysayer: The Weekly World News alien has accurately predicted the outcome of every presidential election since Ronald Reagan won in 1980.
I was surprised to see this, and following the link only increased my confusion as I found it really does appear to be a WWN article. My understanding was that the Weekly World News folded in spring-early summer of last year after a long and illustrious career of being the self-proclaimed "most dependable news source." I distinctly remember regretting not buying the final issue. Have they carried on in a purely online form? Can we still, electronically, learn of the continued adventures of Bat-Boy and his indispensible advice column?
That's quite an impressive track record.
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