Gerry Patrick Hemming Dies (Miami Herald)
Cold War figure Hemming dies (Fayetteville Observer)
A former soldier who trained Cubans to fight against Fidel Castro and had been a central figure in assassination probes of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. died this week in Fayetteville, family members said.
A '60s-era Miami soldier of fortune and a key figure for conspiracy theorists around the world, Gerald Patrick Hemming, is dead at 70.
His death was confirmed Thursday morning by the Cape Fear Valley Medical Center in Fayetteville, N.C. His son, Felipe, told The Miami Herald that he was found dead in his North Carolina home on Tuesday evening.
A shadowy figure who enjoyed talking about paramilitary operations and anti-Castro activities during the 1960s, Hemming became known in his later years mostly for statements he made about the Kennedy assassination to the Warren Commission and to many investigative journalists.
Cold War figure Hemming dies (Fayetteville Observer)
A former soldier who trained Cubans to fight against Fidel Castro and had been a central figure in assassination probes of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. died this week in Fayetteville, family members said.
Gerald Patrick Hemming, 70, died in his sleep at his Haymount Manor apartment, his daughter, Kristi Hemming Roderick, said Thursday.I never met Gerry Hemming but I was on his email list for a few years, and we exchanged a few personal emails. I would like to end with a quote from one of his emails to me (dated April 15, 2006) which shows him to be a man who did not mince words. He is referring to Jim Garrison biographer and assassination researcher Joan Mellen and John Simkin's Education Forum, of which he was a member.
An exact date and cause of death is still being determined. Mr. Hemming will be buried with military honors at 2 p.m. Monday in Sandhills State Veterans Cemetery.
“My father was a Cold War freedom fighter,” Roderick said. “He put country first, which meant he wasn’t around as much as we like, but that’s OK, we loved him anyway.”
Born March 1, 1937, in Los Angeles, Mr. Hemming joined the Marines in 1954. Four years later, he left the Marines to go to Cuba, where he fought side-by-side with Fidel Castro to overthrow then president Fulgencio Batista in 1959.
"Mellen-Head continues to maintain an intense hatred of RFK and company, and her attitude IS: that anybody who is CIA (and doesn't "Fess-up"to something) must be an evil-doer. Typical Commie-symp/wimp horseshit that I've been exposed to (and forced to put up with) even before fighting in Cuba, Nicaragua, Santo Domingo, Haiti, etc. !!RIP, Gerry. My sincere condolences to his friends and family.
And moreover, this is typical of the membership on Simkin's forum, which is just another apparatchik disinformatziya scheme for a bunch of wimp-ass arrogant suckers, none of whom have ever had the balls to put it on the line !!
Lou Ivon had some interesting things to say about Garrison & Mellen-head, and "Big Jimbo's" boasting of what exactly her relationship actually involved !!"
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Also, your "subscription feeds" still aren't working... at least not for me.
he sounds like a realllly nice guy!
Actually there was a side of Gerry that not many got to see and know and that was "Being a Very Caring Guy" and That he was.
A J Weberman interviewed Gerald P Hemming many times.
Hemming said that on 11-22-63 Hargraves was
with his nagging wife . Hemming mention Oct 11
Hargraves went with him to nicaragua.( __ adminstration
approved the program in March 1960. The _ _ _ set
up training camps in Guatemala , and by November
the operation had trained a small army for an assault
landing and guerilla warfare on April 15, 1961, when eight
bombers left Nicaragua to attack Cuban airfields.) but
Gerald P Hemming( got his year wrong as it was 1960-61)
Gerald Patrick Hemming said that Roy Hargraves had a
mission with Felipe Vidal Santiago which he says the boat
sunk as they were going to Cuba to do mission there.
So Gerry P Hemming did not really have a alibi for roy/Felipe.
So was Roy Hargraves or Felipe Vidal Santiago in dallas 1963?
Gerry P Hemming sure was worried that Felipe may of went?
Richard Poyle - went to Mexico october 1963 same month year
as Lee harvey oswald it said" He had been here long while wait
for somebody or something" so does this coincide with Kaiser
(Sonia/Scott) saying that Poyle and Sturgis pick up Ed day that
died ? Edwin Kaiser good friends with Frank Fiorini Sturgis.
Loran Hall was good friends with Sturgis even Hemming knew him.
Hemming said Hall good friend Santos & Hall had his gun .
Hemming was afraid that Hall may use it friday 11-22-1963.
Hemming said his Group had many sources to help in their aid
at his train camps No Name Key in South Florida .(Scott said
his father went to these training camps with Frank & cuban exiles)
Sonia Kaiser said Husb Ed gone Nov 1963 to January 1964 in which
when he came back he brag about meeting Frank ,cuban exiles & Lee
also when he came back he left again to go D C record JFK funeral.
So where was David Morales & were any of the watergate plumbers
in Dallas Tx ,11-22-63 Bernard Barker, Virgilio Gonzalez, Eugenio Martinez, James W. McCord, Jr., Frank Sturgis,Liddy ,and E. Howard Hunt?Did Karma get them?Martinez real estate firm had extensive dealings with Bebe Rebozo.
Bebe Rebozo sister Margaret married man name Harold Latham Baker.
Bebe Rebozo talk to Smathers & Smathers sold home Nixon then Bebe
bought house next door to him at Key Biscayne Miami beach Florida.
Rebozo was "involved" in some real-estate deals of Bernard Barker.
)May 10, 1998, "Charles 'Bebe' Rebozo, 85, Dies}Salvation Army Center
905 W. Flagler St. February 27, 1965, Dr. ORLANDO BOSCH met
with two Cubans at a Standard Oil gasoline station located at Flagler Street .
Cuban Market," at 1116 N.W. 3rd Avenue, and Coffee Shopscorner of Douglas Road and Flagler Street facing east and old movie theater on Flagler Street.
and Maximo Gomez Park, an outdoor domino park where Cuban exiles meet to discuss politics and smoke,Miami Havana Florida..(Hemming said Flagler street HangOut).
JFK Researchers Enjoy the Utube Video.
Hargraves& De Diego in Dallas 11-22-63?
Because it dealt with Felipe De Diego - rumor thatDavid Morales had Siphoned him off of Op 40 alpha 66.
Felipe Hemming named after Felipe De Diego.what did Felipe DE Diego do for Gerry P Hemming?Scott Kaiser named from parents Sonya & Edwin Kaiser.Dolores D Hemming Said Gerry never stay at Kaiser Home and that he was never away from the Hemming home lol.(Secret Training- Lacombe Training Camp -No Name Key -InterPen -Secret Ops? )* Gerald Patrick Hemming, 3-21-78 HSCA .
NODULE X9 GERALD HEMMING by Aj interviews.Gerald Patrick Hemming - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFey_61-6K4
content:htt//educationforum.ipbhost.com/profile/2347-gerry-hemming/content/ Hemming posts JFK Educ Forum.
Scott Kaiser Said GH lived at his home a week.cause his mother Sonya told him so that he order magazines
(& He did not pay no rent lived off of them room/board lol.)
Felipe Hemming said Nobody can order magazines have themdelived to home within a week & especially in the 1970s becauseMagazines ordered don't come in a week lol.Felipe Hemming said : Scott you said you are like your dad ,DRUNK - THIEF - CHEAT - that beats onwife Sonya and Kids.Scott Kaiser said:Felipe fat slob like his dad Gerry P Hemming.Felipe Hemming said: You called down _ to ask dad ,about yourDad,your dad fell - It was a accident,My Dad -Gerry -had nothingto do with it alsoFrank(Fiorini)Sturgis had nothing to do with it.( Sturgis & Hemming & Loran Hall & Harry Dean all went Cuba ?)
LoranHall Dallas oct17,1963.(arrest record)Q:HSCA A:Loran Hall May 1977.(1.WIFE joan Purves Hall KS 2.wife Ann Eliz Pappas Hall KS/calif ) Q.where were Hall 11-22-63?A.decline to answer ...may tend to incriminate me.Q.Ever contact _ agent? A.no was not. Q.describe relationship _?A.,,as a jackal for _.Q.what mean? A.not contact laborer ..was not affiliated _ given green light _ missions.Q.train military A._intelligence _ Q.question Odio? A.Think knew Prof Odio outside Dallas--about apt bldg Magelan said it is possible....Q.Who did see or talk to 11-22-1963?A.Took wife(ann)to work..drove home showered..had tv on.heard news _call wife (ann)then He called Mildred Hyatt..(establish alibi)Then call IPCO co Robt Hudson.Drove over Hudson went lunch at noon.(time differnce tx to calif) A.Hall said Hyatt said Bradley call her threat me thru her to not testify."Reagan did not let Hall/Braden extradited? A.Hall said knew Bradley.John Pappis "Loran Hall wasn't in calif. Mildred Hyatt said she's at her bro/sister in law wasnt at home .(never receive call from Hall).John Pappis "Loran Hall took him gun range calif. John Pappis "Loran Hall gave pappis carcarno in calif. "Ann with Loran 1960-1975?" Why didn't Pappis tell WC,Garrison 67-68,Church committee,Hsca 77?(all info found )Limbach think Hall is D.B.Cooper even wrote book?Harry Dean claim Knew Loran Hall ,Lawrence Howard & Went Hall's Speeches/rallys & Dean moved Hemming city.
Harry dean:1540 central ave Whiting IndianaHarry dean lived:18109 Atina Drive La Puente CaliforniaHarry Dean lived:2013 South 7th street Alhambra california..Harry Dean lived :4071 N Sheridan Road Chicago Il.Harry Dean lived: 2236 Schrage ave Whiting IndianaLoran Hall :1191 College View Dr apt7 Monterey Park (1963)californiaLoran Hall:877 West EL Repetto Monterey Park california Lawrence Howard: 8325 Coral Lane Pico Rivera California.
Eugene Hale Brading lived 1100 South third Street Atchison Ks.Eugene Hale Brading lived 607 santa Fe Street Atchison Kansas.Loran E Hall(lorenzo Pascillio) lived 222 1/2 Newton KansasLoran E Hall(lorenzo Pascillio) lived 1722 1/2 South vine st Wichita.Ks.
Loran E Hall was in and out of Dallas Tx arrested october 17 1963.G.P.Hemming introduce Hall to people in dallas Tx.(new orleans).
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